Udine Celebrates International Jazz Day

On Tuesday 30 April, a flashmob was held in Udine’s primary schools on the occasion of UNESCO International Jazz Day.
Discovering Musical Excellence: Wayne Shorter

Wayne Shorter’s legacy manifests itself in the timeless notes of his compositions, continuing to inspire musicians and jazz fans worldwide. His music transcends time, carrying his genius into the ears and hearts of anyone privileged to hear it.
Udine celebrates the International Jazz Day
In November 2011, UNESCO declared April 30th as the International Jazz Day. But why to dedicate an entire day to this music genre? UNESCO confes upon jazz the diplomatic role of uniting people from all corners of the globe (source UNESCO). Jazz music, in fact, is a universal language that transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, making it understandable and appreciated […]
“Vigne Museum” is a project born in 2014 in the hills of Corno di Rosazzo, created by the architect Yona Friedman in collaboration with the artist Jean-Baptiste Decavele. The underlying idea is to recreate an open-air museum dedicated to the vine and the landscape. It consists of a contemporary art installation in honor of the […]
“Refoscollection” is a project born from the collaboration between Simularte and Agriturismo Tonutti in Tavagnacco (UD), created with the aim of combining the promotion of the territory with the Tonutti family’s passion for wine and the world of art and culture. The underlying idea of the project is to create a real museum for the […]
Perched among the stunning mountains of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, the Fortress of Osoppo is a true historical treasure. It was built on the hill of the eponymous town, in the province of Udine, and has always served a defensive purpose thanks to its strategic location. Over time, this imposing building has become an […]
Jazz & Cocktail

A Partnership More Than Jazz and UdineIdea More Than Jazz was born in Udine, a city that for four years has welcomed the festival with ever greater warmth. Among the main reasons for the success of this relationship is the quality of the musical proposals and the consequent appreciation of the public, but not only. […]
More Than Jazz: more than jazz, also exhibitions, museums and natural parks

Discount on the FVG card, that allows you to visit the museums, archaeological parks and nature reserves of FVG for 48 hours or for a week.
When was Jazz born?

Jazz was born at the beginning of the last century by African-American slaves, who worked on plantations or in the construction of railways in the South of the United States.
Who listens to jazz?

According to the Musical Universe researchers, each musical macro-category brings together people with similar characteristics.