A Partnership More Than Jazz and UdineIdea

More Than Jazz was born in Udine, a city that for four years has welcomed the festival with ever greater warmth. Among the main reasons for the success of this relationship is the quality of the musical proposals and the consequent appreciation of the public, but not only. The desire to network, to get involved and to dialogue with other city realities, are equally fundamental.
In this perspective, More Than Jazz has started a close collaboration with the UdineIdea Natural Shopping Center, which brings together many traders from Udine. The natural shopping center is an area with a high concentration of shops, bars and restaurants etc., located in the unique, fascinating and authentic context of the city. In this case, the area covers “the beating heart of the historic center of Udine and affects the Vie Mercatovecchio, Sottomonte, Marconi, Sarpi, Matteotti, Canciani, XX Settembre, Stringher, Belloni, Battisti, Cavour, Libertà, Rialto, Delle Erbe , Riva Bartolini, Largo dei Pecile, Portanuova, Del Carbone, Lionello, Mercerie, Zanon, Pelliccerie, Del Gelso, Vicolo Pulesi ”(source UdineIdea): the same streets we cross with jazz music.
The first moment of this collaboration concerned the celebrations for the International Jazz Day on April 30 this year (we talked about it here). On this day, several shops in the UdineIdea natural shopping center exhibited a totem outside their window inviting people to celebrate jazz and to follow its values of “peace, equality, communication and understanding” (source UNESCO).

This dialogue intensified with the start of the MTJ – Disorder at the Border review thanks to the Jazz & Cocktail (J&C) initiative: during the evenings of the MTJ concerts, several venues of the natural shopping center offered their customers cocktails to hoc inspired by jazz music. Among these places, we can count: Ai Do Mori, Antica Osteria Al Fagiano, Antica Maddalena, Fratelli Panza, Gatti e Re, Il Piatto Sbeccato, La Bettola, Mo-mart, Osteria Pulesi, Pepata di Corte, The Alibi.
Certain that the collaboration between the festival and the city will become more and more intense, we give you an appointment at the next editions, with many surprises in store for our fans.