In November 2011, UNESCO declared April 30th as the International Jazz Day. But why to dedicate an entire day to this music genre? UNESCO confes upon jazz the diplomatic role of uniting people from all corners of the globe (source UNESCO). Jazz music, in fact, is a universal language that transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, making it understandable and appreciated by every citizen of the world. In this way, it becomes a tool for peace, equality, dialogue, and cooperation, promoting interaction among people of different cultures and fostering mutual understanding.
More Than Jazz 2023 took part in this international event with the true spirit of #JazzDay, organizing, in collaboration with UdineIdea, a marching concert along the streets of the city center of Udine with the talented musical band Spakkazuck.

The band started from Via Cavour at 11:00 am, then moved along Via Rialto, continued on Via Canciani arriving at Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, and concluded the performance in Piazza Marconi, making jazz music resonate in every corner of the historical center of Udine.
Spakkazuck performed with great energy and communicative force, inspired by the sound of popular bands, between improvisations and contemporary melodies that did not go unnoticed by passers-by.
A special thanks goes to the Municipality of Udine, always close to More Than Jazz, and to the Centro Commerciale Naturale UdineIdea which actively collaborated in this project and beyond (also read about the Jazz & Cocktail project in collaboration with UdineIdea).