In November 2011, UNESCO declared the 30th April as the International Day of Jazz Music. Why dedicating a whole day to this musical genre? UNESCO attributes to jazz the diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe (source UNESCO). More Than Jazz 2022 aims to overcome geographical, linguistic and cultural boundaries to show jazz as the universal language it is! This year’s Festival will expand to 7 other municipalities in the FVG region, where concerts by national and non-national artists will be hosted, in the full spirit of #JazzDay.
Udine still remains the heart of More Than Jazz and it proved this on Saturday 30th April, when 25 local businesses joined together to celebrate this anniversary. With the coordination of SimulArte, Confcommercio and UdineIdea, information totems were created and displayed. These totems invited to embody, every day, the values of jazz: peace, equality, communication and understanding. On each totem it was possible to scan a QR code, through which to obtain more information on the International Jazz Day and listen to “giulia” song by the German-Cuban trio Triosence recorded in Udine.

A special thanks goes to the Municipality of Udine, which has always been supporting the Festival, and to the 25 businesses who took part in Jazz Day celebration: Ahmodo-Lombarda, Angolo del Gusto, Bruno Calzature, Cecilia, Corte Pelizzari, Franz Gioielli, Giovani Calzature, Grosmi Caffè, Hausbrandt, Hotel Suite Inn, Ivo Abbigliamento, La Bettola, LV Donna, Osteria Pulesi, Pepata di Corte, Piumini Danesi, Robe di Casa, Tonini, Vittorio Calzature, 16 Metri Quadri.