Martin Tingvall – piano
Omar Rodriguez Calvo – double bass
Jürgen Spiegel – drums
With the Tingvall Trio, there is no more need for introductions. When it comes to a group of jazz artists from Germany who have achieved success, both nationally and internationally, have received as many as 3 ECHO JAZZ AWARDS, and whose studio albums have achieved gold sales, each new release is always awaited with impatience and enthusiasm.
“Dance” is the title of this new project in which the trio takes listeners on a journey around the world, letting the widest variety of dance styles dazzle and fascinate, as a vivid emotional form of expression. Martin Tingvall describes the birth of the project: “The idea of ’Dance’ emerged while we were rehearsing ‘Cuban SMS’, one of the first songs written. Seriously: it was really difficult for us to stay in our place while we worked: there was so much rhythm and energy in the music! As far as I’m concerned, I couldn’t dance if I wanted to stay alive, but it really captured us and carried us away. This is how the idea of an album full of dance was born. ” Despite the inherent recognizability of the typical sound of the Tingvall Trio, many of the compositions are clad in an incredibly new seal. Alongside the oriental nuances of “Arabic Slow Dance” or the reggae beats of “Ya Man”, you can also discover the flavor of Latin America, for example in “Bolero” or “Spanish Swing”. With this successful trio it goes without saying that the strength and joy found in dancing is complemented by a few moments of calm, full of reflective depth in songs like “Det Lilla”, or suffering as in “In Memory”.

“Dance” is an electrifying project in which the three musicians are able to show a multitude of facets. Martin Tingvall (piano), Omar Rodriguez Calvo (bass) and Jürgen Spiegel (drums) seem more mature and harmonious than they have been in the past; and it’s easy to imagine how much fun they had to record these songs together.
The concert will be held on August 26, 2021 at 9:30 pm in Piazza Libertà. For information and reservations call 0432 1482124 or write to us at biglietteria@simularte.it.
Foto © Steven Haberland