Jazz Laboratory of the Liceo Musicale Caterina Percoto of Udine
The “Caterina Percoto” Musical High School in Udine is a well-established cultural education reality in the institutional panorama. In 2022, thanks to a grant from MIUR, a project was born dedicated to high school students and aimed at spreading the language and repertoire of jazz music. For this first year we have chosen to work on the music of Charles Mingus to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. The sounds of the compositions of the well-known double bass player are closely linked to the blues and have been an excellent ground for starting to work on improvisation in the most instinctive and natural way possible. The formation, which has more than twenty elements, will juggle the execution and improvisation on historical pieces from the Mingus repertoire such as Haitian Fight Song, Moanin ‘, the beautiful ballad Goodbye Pork Pie Hat with the text by Joni Mitchell and others.
The concert will be held on 25 August 2022 at 5.00 pm in Corte Morpurgo in Udine. For information and reservations call 0432 1482124 or write to us at biglietteria@simularte.it.