Raffaele Delia – voice
Lorenzo Lo Gioco – keyboards
Alessandro Cossu – guitars
Anna Mazzaro – bass
Stefano Zamolo – sax
Maurizio Fabris – percussion
Daniele Bosa – drums
Concert on the occasion of the inauguration of the Mons. Pigani Auditorium in Reana del Rojale.
Via Battaglione Julio 8 – 33010 Remugnano di Reana del Rojale
Blues Metropolitano is the project that some “friends of the seven notes” have decided to give birth to.
This need, which appeared more as a desire in wanting to pay homage to the great Neapolitan artist Pino Daniele, was first conceived and realized only after choosing the musicians to what, on paper, had to be a stable and growing project over time. Obviously, the matrix of each musician component had to necessarily be linked to this musical genre so as to be able to personalize the best hits of the Neapolitan artist with captivating and unique interpretations.
Every single component, coming from different regional locations, discussed the type of show to be proposed, the songs to choose, the topics to be dealt with, managing to achieve everything, through a fusion of intentions, in just over a year of work. between tests and so on.
Harmony, passion and cohesion made it possible to crown the first live performance in November 2018; a stage that for the project marked a rise in consensus and enthusiasts that further motivated the members of the band to implement their visibility.
In the pandemic period (Covid-19), musical activity does not slow down the path of Metropolitan Blues, a tribute to Pino Daniele; in fact, “Masaniello è turnato” takes shape, the band’s docufilm that reveals the project’s activity in all its nuances, recorded at Stefano Amerio’s Artesuono studio.
Blues Metropolitano continues, today, to propose itself and with the specific intent of sharing its homage to Pino Daniele with the public who loved him and towards whom he left an indelible mark dictated by his music and poetry.
Event in collaboration with the Municipality of Reana del Rojale.
The concert will be held on 16 October 2021 at 8.45pm at the Mons. Pigani Auditorium in Reana del Rojale. For information and reservations call 0432 1482124 or write to us at biglietteria@simularte.it